Balance Board

Level: Beginner

Beginner projects can typically be completed with little tooling (if any). Assembly can be completed in 20-30 minutes. We recommend this project for students ages 7+.

Objective: Construct a balance board

Students will use basic carpentry skills to build a balance board. Students will have an opportunity to get creative and express their interests by decorating and painting their balance boards, and they’ll also enjoy going outside to play and see who can remain standing the longest on their boards.

Instructors then have an opportunity to reinforce learnings by prompting questions such as:

  • What skills were required for you to assemble the balance board?

  • What is a fulcrum?

  • What makes balancing difficult on the balance board?

Supplies & Materials:

The following supplies & materials are included with this project:

  • Wooden pieces for assembly (including dowels)

  • Wood glue

A hammer is helpful but not required for this project.

Watch our DIY Balance Board instructional video online.


Step Stool


Reading Clubhouse